The Brave Heart Fellowship was designed to lift up native youth voices, increase representation, and address inequities in the fight for climate justice. The Fellowship runs from December 2022 to May 2023 and is for self-identified indigenous youth (18 - 24 year olds) who are living in one of these states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
For more information, check out the website !

The Dartmouth Indigenous Fly-In (IFI) was created, over thirty years ago, to provide Indigenous Youth the opportunity to experience daily college life at Dartmouth. It runs from October 8 - 11, 2023 and is open to anyone who identifies as Indigenous or have demonstrated an interest in the Indigenous community.
For more information, check out the website!

Running Strong offers a variety of programs, from clean water to language revitalization, designed to create sustainable change in Native Communities. Additionally, Running Strong's goal is to foster a new generation of leaders who are proud of their native heritage.
For more information, check out these amazing programs on their website!

United National Indian Tribal Youth Membership offers American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiian Descendants (Ages 14 - 24) the opportunity to participate in youth councils and prepare annual reports on healthy lifestyles, community service, environmental justice, and cultural preservation. Each council, like Tribes across the nation, is extremely diverse and range on a variety of topics all aimed to foster spiritual, mental, physical, and social development in the next generation of Native leaders.
For more information on the application process, check out their website!

White House Initiative on Advancing Opportunities for Native Americans
The White House Initiative for Native Americans offers both full-time and part-time internships in Washington D.C. in terms that are year-round. This internship will take place in a D.C. office and will focus on strengthening. equity, economic opportunity, and tribal connections for people who are over the age of 18 and are enrolled in a degree-seeking program.
For more information and to apply check out their website!

UC's Native American Opportunity Plan
The UC's Native American opportunity plan offers an in-state coverage for all tuition and student service fees for Native American students living in California that belong to a federally recognized tribe. This opportunity is for both graduates and undergraduates and extends to other educational expenses if needed for any UC school.
For more information on eligibility and whats covered check out their website !

Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria
the federated Indians of Graton Rancheria provides a very similar service as the UC's tuition and other educational grants opportunity. Although, The federated Indians of graton rancheria provides this opportunity for all Native Americans who may not be in a federally recognized tribe, respecting all Native's equality in UCs whether they are federally recognized or not. This opportunity also spans from professional to non-professional degrees allowing a broader audience of Native Americans to receive financial aid.
For more information on how to apply check out their website!

Native American Sports Council
The Native American Sports Council engages in multi-sport programs for athlete development for Native American Youth. They aim to establish individual Tribal Sports and Wellness Councils is communities that need assistance for athletic opportunities. The Native American Sports Council also offers an underrepresented community to receive recognition for sports performances nationally, internationally, and even in Olympic competition.
To contact NASC and for more information check out their website!

Big Brothers Big Sisters’ Native American Mentoring Initiative
Big Brothers Big Sisters' Native American Mentoring Initiative recognizes the need for Native Children to have a positive Native role model in their life in order to not only immerse them in Native Culture, but guide them to a positive future. Volunteers for this program understand Native Children's experiences because they too had experienced them in childhood leading to connection between a Native child and a positive older influence they can reach out to when needed. This program also aims to raise awareness on issues Native American youth face.
For enrollment information check out their website!